Roster Registration System
Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions outline the responsibilities of, it's parent company, Sterling Grace Technologies, it's directors, employees, affiliates and contractors (collectively referred to as the "Company" hereforth), and the Organization and it's representatives (collectively referred to as the "Client" hereforth). These Terms and Conditions govern all interactions between the Company and Client related to the usage of the Company's web application and associated services (collectively referred to as the "Service" hereafter). By submitting account details, the Client agrees to these Terms and Conditions in full and consents to the Company using their information in accordance with our Privacy and Data Security policy per the clause below.

Free Trial Terms & Conditions:

The free trial lasts thirty (30) days from the activation date.

Free Trial is available to new customers only. Clients previously participating in the Free Trial will be required to activate their account and consent to a billing plan.

Free Trial may not be available for all customers in all regions and countries.

During the period of the free trial, the following limitations will be placed on the functionality of the Service:

  • Sessions: Up to one registration session may be created during the trial period.
  • Registrants: A limit of 30 registrants may be created.
  • Data Exports: No data may be exported from the application during the trial period. This includes but is not limited to registration data, scheduled reports, and financial records.
  • Financials: PayPal and Credit Card related features will be disabled. Payment information for cheques, cash and adjustments may still be recorded.

End of Trial Period - Profile Activation:

After the trial period ends, all logins associated with the organization's profile will become locked. Administrative users may log in and will be presented with the option to accept the Standard Terms and Conditions, as well as select a Payment plan. Organizations choosing to convert their Free Trial into an Active Profile will be invoiced for previous usage.

End of Trial Period - Service Cancellation:

In the event that the organization does not wish to accept our Standard Terms of Service and enter into a Service Plan, the service will be cancelled and their Trial Profile locked out. Administrative users will be presented with the option to download First Name, Last Name, and Email address of all registrants in a text based format within 30 days of the end of the Trial Period. All collected data will be destroyed 30 days after the Trial Period ends. The Company is under no obligation to notify any registrants or other users of the discontinuation of service.

Company to Client Communication:

The organization consents to receiving all future promotional and other pertinent communications from the Company once they enter into a Free Trial, regardless of whether they choose to engage in a Service Plan following the Trial Period. The organization may opt-out of further communications at any following service cancellation.

Privacy and Data Security:

All credentials are stored securely using encryption technologies where possible and are only shared on a need to know basis between responsible individuals within the Company. Secure Credentials are currently stored using password encryption services currently operated by LastPass Inc. at the time of this document's issuance. Usage of LastPass Inc. as a vendor for this purpose is subject to change at the Company's discretion provided the new solution meets our security standards.

Credit Card and related payment information

Credit Card and related payment information are stored securely on PayPal servers at the time of this document's issuance, the security and usage of which are governed by PayPal's relevant terms and conditions. Usage of PayPal as a vendor for this purpose is subject to change at the Company's discretion provided the new solution meets our security standards.

Data Sharing:

The Company will not share ANY data collected from Clients without the Client's prior written consent, or as required by relevant legal authorities governing either the province of Ontario, Canada, or the home state/province of the Company's head office.

Backups Policy:

No backups are maintained during Free Trials. Backups for all Active Profiles are created and encrypted locally before being stored on remote servers. Encryption keys are stored locally on production servers, and a backup is stored with other secure credentials (see above regarding secure storage of credentials). Encryption keys and configuration files necessary for data recovery are only accessible by key Company staff. Backups are executed daily and kept for sixty (60) days. Up to one annual complete database and file recovery for a given Client is included per calendar year at no additional charge. Recovering individual files and database records is a complex operation, additional charges will apply. By default, backups are stored at a San Francisco, California, United States data-center operated by Digital Ocean Inc, the usage of which is governed by Digital Ocean's terms of service. The Client may request that backups are stored at a different site as long as a supported backup protocol is available (supported protocols include FTP, Amazon S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, and Dropbox). When using a third party backup target server, the client is responsible for all costs and security implications for data stored on that server.

Payment Terms:

  • Currency: All fees are in United States Dollars (USD) unless otherwise indicated.
  • Fee Schedules: Client charges are governed by the fee schedule as specified in their Service Plan Contract Term.
  • Commitments: Clients entering a multi-year contract term may be eligible for a fee discount as defined in their Client Service Plan. Clients entering into a multi-year term Plan will be invoiced for at least 80% of the amount invoiced during the first year of the Service Plan term. Changes to the Client Service Plan will be effective at the start of the next period of the Contract Term Commitment, or the next calendar year if no Contract Term Commitment is effective.
  • Invoice Terms and Suspension of Service for late payment: All charges are immediately due upon invoicing. For customers maintaining a credit balance on account, invoices amounts will be deducted from this balance and confirmation of payment will be issued. For customers using credit card, PayPal or other payment methods, fees are charged immediately following the invoice. If a customer has no credit card, PayPal or other payment method and has insufficient credit balance on their account to cover their account balance, a warning will be applied to their account and all administrative functionality will be suspended unless payment is received in full within five (5) days. It is the Client's exclusive responsibility to ensure an adequate payment method or credit balance is available on their account at all times.

Service Plans:

Clients will be invoiced for the following services as per their selected Service Plan:
  • Annual Minimum Account Fees Due at the end of the first month in which registration is opened for the current calendar year. May include a maximum number of participant registrations during the same calendar year as per the Client's Service Plan.
  • Registration and Communications Module Per registrant, includes cancelled registrations. Usage assessed after any quota associated with the Minimum Annual Account Fee is consumed. Usage assessed and due on the first of the month following the service month during which the usage was incurred.
  • Equipment Management Module Associated fees are assessed as a percentage of the total replacement value of the Client's equipment, where the effective Equipment Management Rate is specified as part of the Client service plan. Invoiced in the month following initial equipment handout date. Fees for management of new equipment received into inventory after the initial invoice date will be billed at the full rate for the current calendar year.
  • PayPal integration certificate generation and installation PayPal certificates are generated and installed annually and are subject to the PayPal Integration Fee on the Service Plan. Managed Payment Solutions (MPS) Report Services - Where applicable, MPS fees are assessed during each month where financial transactions occur under the Client account (including months where no PayPal and other payment gateway services are utilized). Fees are set in the Client Service Plan

Acceptable Use Policy:

All usage of the Service is governed by our Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP).

Changes to Terms and Conditions:

The Company reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time during the life of a Free Trial or a Active Profile Contract Term without notice or liability. The Company reserves the right to remove or cancel the free trial at any time. The Company reviews all orders and reserves the right to deny or cancel services at any time for any reason.


To the extent allowed under law, the Company disclaims all implied warranties and representations (eg. warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of data, and noninfringement), and does not guarantee that the services will function without interruptions or errors, and provides the Service (including content and information) on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. By using the Service the Client expressly agrees that their use of, or inability too use, the Service is at their sole risk. In no case including, without limitation, claims arising from the Company's negligence, shall the Company be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages arising from their use of the Service or for any other claim related in any way to their use of the Service. This includes but is not limited to any errors or omissions in any content or information, or any loss of damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content or information posted, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Service, even if advised of their possibility.

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